Application of Technology


Shipley Snell leverages technology to enhance efficiency and client service. We have invested in many of the same kinds of systems employed by much larger firms but use them without the added overhead of outside consultants or layers of internal staff.

All Shipley Snell attorneys are well versed in the use of technology. This is one of the many ways in which we apply the efficiency that today’s clients demand and the effectiveness we need in handling their matters successfully.

Database Software

We use sophisticated database software to handle cases that involve a voluminous amount of documents. Use of this software allows lawyers to efficiently search documents for key concepts and identify the critical documents. Shipley Snell has handled numerous large cases in which hundreds of thousands of documents, and in some cases millions of pages, have been produced. We use this technology to our clients' advantage by quickly identifying those documents that really make a difference.

Case Management Software

Our case management software organizes and chronologizes the key strategic and factual issues and links the key issues to supporting documents. Integrated with our document database, these tools allow Shipley Snell and its clients to marshal and organize data in a presentable and digestible form. Our lawyers and clients use this technology to visualize the case and understand the context of events and documents.

Risk Analysis Software

We use mathematically-based risk analysis software when appropriate to evaluate cases and potential outcomes with our clients. We have partnered with our clients to use this software to conduct in-depth analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of cases so that the best and most informed decisions are made.

Case Presentation Tools

We are dedicated to the use of technology in the courtroom and in arbitration venues. Our lawyers are experts at using presentation software to effectively communicate with judges, juries, and arbitrators. Our courtroom technology integrates with our document management system and allows our lawyers to showcase, annotate, and present information and documents to our client’s advantage. Shipley Snell has the expertise and experience to use courtroom software, when appropriate, without costly outside vendors assisting at the trial or arbitration hearing. We believe that handling the technology ourselves leads to a more efficient, seamless, and effective presentation.